Lord Knight
Lord Knights are the Transcendent variants of Knights. The Lord Knight's skills are a good balance of offense and defense. The Lord Knight is now a master of weapons with a special affinity for Two-handed Swords and Spears. A Lord Knight has formidable attack strength and can crush an opponent's defense with ease. Being a Lord Knight, they gain vastly improved offensive capabilities and some defensive capabilities. They easily retain their status as the class with the highest HP Modifier and strongest physical AoE damage dealer.
Paladins are the Transcendent variant of the Crusader class. Aside from the HP/SP boost, the Paladin's defensive capabilities have not seen significant changes. They do receive many new offensive abilities which inspiring many INT-built Crusaders to become battle-built Paladins. For those Paladins who wish to continue as an INT-type build, the Battle Chant skill allows them to play a supportive role in large party settings, and the 20 additional skills points allow them to learn a much wider variety of skills.
The Mage and the Wizard have been able to tap into mystical and elemental magic but the real power is now fully realized in the spells mastered by the High Wizard. Only a fool would dare challenge the awesome might of a High Wizard's power head on!. A High Wizard has much more power than a regular Wizard, and at a much earlier level as well. Unlike the Wizard, it has Mystical Amplification, which will give 50% more MATK on the next offensive magic skill to be cast.
Scholars (Alt: Professor) are the transcendent version of Sages. Through rebirth, Scholars gain class-defining SP manipulative skills such as Soul Exhale, Indulge, and Soul Siphon. The two former skills enable Scholars to act as endless sources of SP, which makes them a favorable class for party play. The third SP-manipulating skill, Soul Siphon, allows Scholars to offensively eliminate all of their opponent's SP, making Scholars a formidable class for PvP and WoE.
One shot, one kill! There is no better way to describe the Sniper. They specialize in precise and powerful ranged attacks. The Sniper is the master of the Bow. In a Sniper�s hands, the bow is a deadly instrument capable of dealing massive damage and carnage. They gained a new skill called Falcon Assault with the help of his lifelong friend, the falcon. When friendship strengthens, so does their power. They also have skills that amplify their bow mastery, as well as piercing arrow skills.
Taught new songs by the gods themselves, Minstrels are now a powerful class. They are able to enchant the enemy with different music and deal large amounts of damage with Arrow Vulcan skill. Minstrel can also give half their stats to a supported character enabling the supported fighter to increase their damage. This job is known as Clown in other localization. The Gypsy is so alluring that hundreds of acts of heroism (and foolishness) have been performed in her name. With more lithe and agile bodies granted by the gods, Gypsies are hard to resist especially when one begins her dance.
Mastersmith (Alt: Whitesmith) is the pinnacle of the Blacksmith's career. The Mastersmith is able to create valuable items from any material they can get hold of. Plus, they have achieved the zenith of craftsmanship and can now upgrade weapons more efficiently. The Mastersmith also specializes in manipulating fire and using various weapons in battle. The Mastersmith skill base grows upon the Blacksmith's Axe/Mace skills and received a lot of nice new skills.
With knowledge comes understanding, and with understanding comes mastery. The Biochemist's unyielding dedication to research and experimentation have raised them to the summit of scientific knowledge. Now that their proficiency with potions and chemicals is unmatched, they are on the verge of manipulating the very laws of nature!
An elite group of Assassins. The Assassin Cross utilizes stealth and confusion in order to land the perfect killing blow. The Assassin Cross has a huge repertoire of lethal arts including ultimate mastery of poison-use, better than the original Assassin. With these new skills, the Assassin Cross now has a wide choice of brutal methods to overcome opponents. All without ever leaving the shadows.
If you're being pursued by a Stalker, you'd best give up all hope of escape. They specialize in spying, sabotage and stalking, stalking, stalking! They are completely undetectable unless they want their prey to know they were after them�a form of mental torture they relish. The thrill of the chase is personified in the elusive Stalker. And if you get the ridiculous idea of capturing a Stalker, save yourself the trouble and simply accept defeat.
The High Priest is the Transcendent variant of Priest. The High Priest is the epitome of spiritual calm. A bulwark in the storm of chaos, he is more than capable of protecting his comrades when faced with even the most ferocious enemy. Despite the many skills taught to them by the Priests of Prontera Church, they still need to learn a few more from the Gods themselves. Now able to create areas where no violence may occur, they are able to Heal more, Bless more and Serve even more. Their skills are truly gifts from God.
A Champion is the Transcendent variant of Monk. Known for the one-hit skill, Guillotine Fist. Champions are even deadlier in close range combat due to their boosted SP count and STR. Champions get mostly new combo-skills as their transcendental skills. Combo skills are mostly used for PvM but still can wreck havoc in PvP if executed properly.
The ninja class is fun and offers three types of roles to play: a magic ninja, a throwing ninja (now nerfed to be the weakest of the builds), and a melee ninja. Ninjas excel in the art of evasion with skills like Cicada Skin Shed and Mirror Image which prevent almost all non-magical damage from harming them. Their magic tree offers several fun spells that are unlike that of any other class (although nowhere near as powerful as the Wizard class spells).
Gunslingers are renowned for their extremely high ASPD and HIT using Guns. Though unable to equip Shields, their ability to deal significantly large amounts of damage make them ideal combatants to hit-lock monsters in the battlefield. Growing up in polluted Einbroch in the Republic of Schwartzvald, they are able to further increase their HIT to deal single and area of effect damages. Gunslingers rely on high DEX to deal enormous damage to monsters. Their skills in wielding guns can decimate the strongest enemies.
TaeKwon Master (Alt: Star Gladiator) is a class for characters who have chosen TaeKwon Kid as their first profession and wish to continue in the ways of the TaeKwon. One of the most notable benefits that a TaeKwon Master has over a TaeKwon Kid is the ability to wield books to help deal more damage physically. TaeKwon Master is an unusual class in that the majority of their skills are bound to the celestial bodies of the Sun (Solar), Moon (Lunar) and Stars (Stellar), and are very restricted in their use.
Lord Knight
High Wizard
Assassin Cross
High Priest
Star Gladiator